Superman Cam Newton Foundation Benefits By Drakkar Essence Hashtag #showyourpower
Football quarterback superstar Cam Newton is the centerpiece of an exciting hashtag campaign by Drakkar Essence benefitting the Cam Newton Foundation. The new fragrance for men has created this inspiring marketing campaign around the Carolina Panthers leader in order to benefit underprivileged kids. I encourage the Sports Techie community blog readers and followers to follow through with a creative and free social media post on Twitter using hashtag #showyoursupport, today. This is a heartfelt example of how Sports Technology makes a global difference.

Cam Newton Foundation
Understand that even Superman finds power through the Cam Newton Foundation. Newton has promised underprivileged youth his non-profits support with social, education, and physical needs through academics and sport. Cam engages with the kids at the foundation, and explains how to support the foundation via the hashtag #showyourpower. Watch this YouTube video below to find out where NFL quarterback Cam Newton gets his power.
Drakkar Essence: What Fuels the Powerful with Cam Newton

Now show the world your viral power using #showyourpower. For every social media post using #showyourpower, Drakkar Essence will donate $5 to the Cam Newton Foundation, a significant increase from their original $1 pledge.

To further benefit the foundation, Cam has officially partnered with L’Oreal, makers of the popular Drakkar Noir fragrance, to launch a new fragrance, Drakkar Essence. The new masculine fragrance from Guy Laroche embodies the same strength, energy and self-confidence of the star quarterback.

Sports Techie, Inspired by Cam’s signature power pose, Drakkar Essence will give a $5 donation to the Cam Newton Foundation for every social media entry tagged with #showyourpower.
Forever is truly a remarkable goal by Cam for any kid that needs help yesterday, today and in the future. By posting an immediate tweet, Newton’s financial impact on children and their families who truly need the support will happen for those boys and girls who are less fortunate, thanks to sponsor L’Oreal.
Doing something that is free on your end but raises money as a result of your 30 second effort on the backend for the Cam Newton Foundation in North Carolina, is awesomeness in action. Posting a simple tweet from your handle using #showyourpower in order to give back to the community from wherever you are located in the United States and around the globe, is a no-brainer good deed. Doing so will also send good karma into the universe and even help your fantasy football teams weekly point totals when Newton realizes you helped the cause @CameronNewton. This is the NFL fan experience in positive action.
Helping Newton help others by uploading a favorite picture or video of you, your kids, as well as any family and friends, taking a Power Pose photo or selfie tagged with #showyourpower, is a priceless social media way to make it so for underprivileged kids.
Sports Tech can be a powerful tool for heros in the right hands, thank you Cam.
See y’all later in Seattle and here in Atlanta.
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One response to “Superman Cam Newton Foundation Benefits By Drakkar Essence Hashtag #showyourpower”
It is wonderful you put so much time, and energy to help others. Continue to be a great role model, and always remain to be for Peace, Love, and Happiness. Always 1ove!