Initially, I wrote an Intuit Small Business Big Game Sports Techie blog last month that featured NFL on Fox football expert commentator Jimmy Johnson, then it dawned on me to enter this contest to win it so I did as you can read about in the comments section here. We have earned our way into round two thanks to your generous votes. Now it is time to do it again.
One of my fav businesses could win a Big Game commercial from @Intuit. Check ‘em out & vote! http://intuit.me/1bHQVnb #TeamSmallBiz

Small Business Big Game Details Provided by Intuit
What is Small Business Big Game all about?
Small businesses drive our economy, but rarely stand in the national spotlight. Small Business Big Game is one way Intuit is giving small businesses a voice and a chance to be admired as much as they deserve. How? By giving one lucky business the opportunity of a lifetime: a commercial in the Big Game on 2/2/14.
What does a “TV commercial on the Big Game” entail?
Every year, some of the world’s biggest brands pay top dollar to feature their brand during the Big Game. Getting a commercial is highly competitive, and for good reason. The live TV audience on game day has reached upwards of 121 million viewers! Because of the high demand, the commercials that run are usually for huge national corporations, but this year, your small business could be among them. The winner will receive a 30-second TV commercial promoting their business that will run on the Big Game. Intuit will cover the cost of developing and producing the commercial as well as the cost of purchasing 30 seconds’ worth of advertising time during the Big Game.

Sports Techie, When I deep think about Super Bowl XLVIII in New York city at MetLife Stadium, home to the Giants and Jets in the NFL, commercials come instantaneously to mind as does the fact that I was the moderator for the official GMen historical wiki community before founding this company. I have helped pioneer social media and sports for over five years in addition to having three decades of sports technology as a career. This prize would be the ultimate reward for all the hard work and sacrifice it took to get here and even be considered with the other awesome round two contestants.
Over the years there have been some doozies SB adverts. To help you understand the history Big Game advertisements have on our society both here in the United States and around the world, do a search on Google YouTube for Super Bowl commercials and enjoy the compelling content you find while ignoring all the negative banter. Here is a Sports Techie blog on the Mercedes Benz commercial from SuperBowl 47 that has been getting recent TV play again this year because it is a top tier advert.
Then I visualize the new Sports Techie Big Game TV commercial and I smile inside because it will be beyond epic in terms of the potential impact it will have on fellow small business owners and our globe. Sports Technology is no joke, not only is it big business to the updated projected big data figure of $250 billion in 2013, according to our blog featuring the Australian Sports Technology Network, but the Sports Techie community message about using it for the greater good is truly mind blowing and a real difference maker.
I began Sports Techie almost four years ago as an entrepreneurial small business owner. Take a look at the commercials you see on TV. The topics our community advocates such as sustainability, animals and robotics just to name a few, are today at the core of most averts in one way or another. Is this a testament to how the vision of one Sports Techie helped shape the world? I hope we all get to find out in our Intuit Small Business Big Game commercial.
Nascar HOF iRacing Sim pit lane
What began with Jessica at a Galactic show in Seattle has turned into a loving relationship and the birth of our well-loved baby son. If you think about the impact one person can have and then times that by a global figure, you begin to understand how devotion, passion and love can make about anything come true, if you just believe. I hope you enjoyed one of the early Sports Techie YouTube videos created by Jess while at the NASCAR Hall of Fame, as much as I did and still do.
Let’s all make it so and vote for me in round two to make the top 20 of the Small Business Big Game contest via this link: https://www.smallbusinessbiggame.com/WA/Sports-Techie/373979.
Go Seattle Seahawks all the way to the Big Game.
Thank you and gracias for your vote and for being Sports Techie.
Bobby Roble
I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie @THESportsTechie – http://twitter.com/THESportsTechie
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One response to “Intuit Small Business Big Game Ad Vote Round Two Sports Techie Video”
[…] The startup company of 13 employees is on a social mission so they applied to the Small Business BigGame contest and sent in their […]