Human Performance INC is accurately predicting athletic performance for a top tier of sports partners

Human Performance INC
Human Performance INC

Human Performance INC is accurately predicting athletic performance for a top tier of sports partners. HPI Sports recently updated their web site, Chairman and CEO, Troy Brazell, answered several Sports Techie questions about his analytics company and HPI’s sports business direction.


HPI sports is a leading analytics firm specializing in player performance predictive modeling. Incorporating advanced analytics, dynamic weighting and data fusion, the HPI models have proven stronger and more accurate than competing companies. Much of their success stems from NFL football.

Bill Parcels said “Your program is thousands of light-years ahead of anything else out there. Your group has covered everything needed.”

HPI sports NFL draft graph accuracy average, 2000 - 2010.
HPI sports NFL draft graph accuracy average, 2000 – 2010.

Their work has generated two Superbowl Champions and one Superbowl runner up as well as an NBA Champion. HPI is now working heavily with professional soccer clubs in global markets. Technical Director (professional Soccer) “This is absolutely amazing. We change our line ups based on the data.” They have deals in the EPL, MLS and Bundesliga leagues.

Read the Sports Techie HPI blog from 2010 here:

HPI possess a powerful advantage in team synergy modeling, identifying talent that fits a specific team and system. This gives teams a significant advantage in whom they develop, trade and play, helping win more games and matches, and becoming more profitable. They work with teams to identify talent for development, draft, trade, as well as fit with team/system, and injury propensity. The HPI teams delivers the information to team management for use or individual players (where applicable) for developmental purposes.

HPI Services

Synergy – Team synergy, Player Synergy


Player Match-Up

Talent Acquisition – Injury Propensity, Position Specific

The Tools

HPI offers tools on multiple platforms, Web, Tablet and mobile devices. Their tools are designed with the end user in mind. Information and intelligence made easy to understand. HPI is setting the new standard in deliverables with actionable items for coaches and management, as well as offering a new fan application that allows you to sit in the Coach’s or GM’s chair. HPI also delivers interactive simulators that gives management greater insight.

The HPI team deliverables include a mobile App for a tablet that allow coaches to make decisions in real time as well as review team match up opportunities, synergy drivers and performance information match ups that can give an added advantage.


HPI delivers standalone mobile apps for the Coaches, Management and Fans. HPI will launch their fan App this fall for both the college prospects rating and comparing top high school athletes as well as their Soccer App in Europe for fans to compare trade and be a GM of a team. Consider this fantasy in a whole new world with high end analytics and technology at your fingertips.

HPI Sports Chairman and CEO, Troy Brazell
HPI Sports Chairman and CEO, Troy Brazell

Sports Techie Q & A with Troy Brazell

–          Is the new HPI sports app due this fall a ‘freemium’ model or a ‘pay’ model?

The European Football APP is 4 pounds. It will be a very high end APP. Think of fantasy sports on extreme steroids. This will give some in-depth knowledge (without damaging the team’s info) on synergy, performance models and matrix and some other specialized information. We did research in Europe and know what the fans will pay for an APP like this. So we know our pricing for optimizing market penetration.  U.S. very nebulous.  But it will be a very impressive APP for sure.

–          How does a team become more sportsbiz profitable with HPI sports technology?

ADVANTAGES for HPI and teams. Sportsbiz profitability- the first big advantage is we help teams win more games, by identifying talent that will perform and will perform well in their system. The second aspect is finding players that fans will have identification with. This means ticket sales and merchandizing opportunities improve. Who they endorse that will not be head cases or end up being a big problem with allot of money wasted. Also we help teams find the best talent for optimum pricing when need be. This insures a top team will have the best bang for their proverbial buck. Plus helping identify the team system and synergy modeling, teams can identify talent earlier so they develop players that fit or recruit players that fit. This saves allot of money

–          Who are you competing with for player performance predictive modeling?

 COMPETITION- this is tougher to answer. The reason being is since the emergence of “Moneyball” teams are not distinguishing between a higher end firm like HPI and statistical companies. Case in point, I talked with the N.Y. Giants a couple weeks ago. They hired 2 analytics companies to test each other and to verify results. So they have 2 full time companies doing analysis on the team. Ironically when I walked through what we do, what are results have been and so forth they would like to work with us but cant bring on a 3rd company.

One company who could technically be deemed as competition (big data company) is partnering with us. AMISCO is the big group in Europe that is competition. But realistically Bob there are ALLOT of low level statistical and analytical companies that muddy the waters. We are a much higher end group. Thus our results are Superbowls and NBA Championship and now working in European Premier League.

–          How many employees do you have today?

HPI has been growing. We have 7 employees at the moment and we are hiring 3-4 new employees over the next couple of months.

Sports Techie, We thank Troy for sharing his insight into the analytics of player and team performance. HPI has a potent mix of science and technology that has been part of molding Championship teams. The caliber of athletic talent their predictive modeling uncovers is a difference maker for the right sports ownership group and executive front office personnel. If you are involved with motorsports, football, soccer, basketball, or equestrian sports, consider HPI services and data.

Each of the HPI’s services is critical to success. A focus on synergy helps the best franchises thrive with the right training environment, locker room mentality, and unmatched work ethic. Recruitment is the name of the game. Optimized Player Match-Ups wins you games. Talent Acquisition is the glue of any organization. Finally, our favorite service they offer is the creation and implementation of sports technology tools.

A current NFL Coach said (about HPI), “Your group gave us insight into team unity which cemented our players.”

We wish Troy, his company and their customers the best with 2013 and beyond. Their new web site is pleasing to the eye and details what HPI sports is all about in an easy to understand Sports Techie way. If anyone has any questions about HPI and Troy, let me know at and I will response.

For improved player performance and analytics, it makes sense to contact the top experts in the game, Human Performance, Incorporated.

I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie –

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