Tag: pictures

  • Spartan Race World Championship on NBC Sports December 7th

    The Spartan Race Beast World Championship on NBC Sports December 7th is a 90-minute TV special that features the World Championship and focus on the sport of obstacle racing. This event, the culmination of the 2013 Reebok Spartan Race Series, took place on September 21-22, 2013, in scenic central Vermont, near Spartan Race headquarters in Pittsfield. Tens…

  • How the Ski Industry Affects the Environment

    Nearly 96 percent of consumers have a positive image of companies that participate in cause marketing, reports research group Cone/Echo. How does this affect ski and other sports enthusiasts? Providing inexpensive products and services isn’t enough in today’s consumer-savvy market. In addition to demanding products that add value and make life easier, consumers want to…

  • EON Sports VR SIDEKIQ Future of Football And Sports Training

    The Sports Techie community blog spoke with Brendan Reilly, CEO, Eon Sports VR, about their data driven sports technology for performance training. EON Sports VR uses virtual reality, head mounted, 3D plays to help athletes improve and win games like teams are currently doing in traditional film rooms. The former hoops manager for Kansas Basketball…

  • TeamSnap Survey Confirms Youth Sports Participation Are Time And Financial Investments

    TeamSnap just released a survey confirming that participation in youth sports is a significant time and financial investment for its users throughout the world. They are as the number one web and mobile team and activity management service company we have featured on the Sports Techie community blog. Their insightful research provides insights about investment…

  • FIS Winter Sports Web Site Powered by Deltatre For Sochi Olympic Games

    The International Ski Federation (FIS) recently partnered with deltatre to rebrand their web site in time for a significant increase in Internet traffic by fans of each sport discipline and the Sochi Winter Olympics that begins in less than 100 days. The new FIS web platform has been operating for one month now and delivers a database of exclusive digital…

  • NBA motion tracking powered by Intel improves team performance and fan experience

    New Motion-Tracking Tech Allows NBA Fans to See Players Like Never Before for iQ by Intel by Robert (Bob) Roble, THESportsTechie. NBA Sports Technology Words cannot describe the excitement and honor I felt representing the Sports Techie community blog for a NBA sports technology article for iQ by Intel about the platform created by SportVU…

  • Get Ready to Kick Some Dirt with Low-Cost Bike Repair Tips

    You want to get out on the motocross track, but your old bike needs some repair. You know that you can restore your bike into its former glory. However, it will not be easy and you could end up broke in the end. The good news is there are ways to revive your bike without…

  • 30 Blogs with the Best Tips for Coaching Your Kid’s Under Six Soccer Team

    Coaching kids’ soccer is a tough role to take on, especially when the kids are very young. As a coach, you have to learn to communicate at their level, which means less boring talk and more fun-focused teaching. Young kids are easily distracted, so bombarding them with soccer theory is not going to work, but…

  • VSporto Expands to Alabama and Auburn Internet Sports Radio

    The President of VSporto, Keith Jasper, took the time to update the Sports Techie community blog about their newest Internet radio app made for University of Alabama sports content. He shared company data about their properties Internet performance numbers and offered our readers analytical insight for the month of September. Their recently launched apps for Alabama…

  • Kia Evolution Of The Modern Car Commercial And History of Auto Technology

    Since 1880, every decade of car changes have involved some sort of technological advancement that Kia Motors covers an informative, educational and fun video entitled, @Kia Presents Evolution Of The Modern Car! Watch as Kia takes you on an animated journey since before most any of us were born, to  the roaring ‘20s when the…