Coaching kids’ soccer is a tough role to take on, especially when the kids are very young. As a coach, you have to learn to communicate at their level, which means less boring talk and more fun-focused teaching. Young kids are easily distracted, so bombarding them with soccer theory is not going to work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t provide solid lessons in other ways. For coaches of under six soccer teams, these 30 blogs are absolutely essential reading.
Psychology of Coaching
An understanding of sports psychology is extremely valuable to coaches at all levels. Everything from dribbling to spatial awareness is affected by the player’s psychology. You, as a coach, can gain a better understanding of how young players perceive every aspect of the game. Although sports psychology can become complicated, at the basic levels there are plenty of applicable lessons for under six teams. These five blogs discuss the benefits of psychology in coaching, and how you can implement better practices in your own coaching style.
- Psychology of Learning and Smart Soccer Coaching
- The Importance of Psychology in Soccer / Football Coaching
- The Psychology of Youth Sports
- How Coaches Can Boost and Crush Kids’ Confidence
- The 4 Pillars of Youth Coaching
Management Skills
As a coach, you are essentially a manager, confidant and leader all rolled into one. You will need to learn a number of managerial skills and styles, so that you can give every player the coaching that they need. If this is your first time coaching such a young team, you will have to completely change your managerial style, too. You can gain some valuable new skills for your under six coaching career by following these five blogs.
- “How to use team management to make a youth soccer team successful”
- Coach Spotlight Interview: Soccer Coach Sahil M.
- Good Sportsmanship
- Children Soccer Development – Best Practice
- Coaching Youth Soccer: 8v8 Formation Idea
Structured Practice
Younger players are not interested in boring, repetitive drills. If you want your team to give 110%, your coaching style should focus on having as much fun during the game as possible. You still have to teach the kids the fundamentals of the game, so creativity is a must have talent. These five blogs are aimed at helping coaches create structured, fun programs for under six year old soccer teams.
- Under 6 Coaching Suggestions
- Paul Walmsley presents Tips and Advice for Coaching Under 6 Soccer
- 5 Steps to Improving Player Awareness
- Top 10 tips for coaching 6 year old kid soccer
- Soccer Drills for kids under 6 years old
Game Day – Win or Lose
The proof of your efforts will be in the game day pudding, so to speak. Everything you have worked towards will result in a win, a loss or a draw. Regardless of the final score, your obligation is to get your young players through the game. Obviously, a win will leave everyone in high spirits, but a loss can have an almost devastating impact. If you have done your job and prepared your players before the game, the end score shouldn’t matter. Learn how to inspire passion and sportsmanship for the game, with these five blogs.
- Great Expectations, Coaching a Youth Football Soccer team.
- Soccer Coach Elects to Not Run Up Score
- Youth Soccer – An Approach to Winning and Losing
- Help players prepare mentally and physically for match day
- Keeping your Cool as a Youth Soccer Coach
Handling Spectators
The kids aren’t the only people you need to worry about; you will have to deal with parents and spectators, too. Some spectators, no matter how well intentioned, can adversely affect the moods and emotions of the young players. You can help to keep things calm and avoid any unpleasant exchanges, though, as long as you are tactful in your approach. To help you deal with overly-passionate spectators, follow the tips in these five blogs.
- That’s not Coaching, it’s Abuse
- On being better soccer parents…
- What Makes A Nightmare Sports Parent — And What Makes A Great One
- Parents, coaches keep still and let the youngsters play soccer
- Sport Parents
Best Soccer Mom/Dad Blogs
If you are a soccer coaching mom or dad, it’s always great to find out what your peers are doing. You can pick up tips on balancing your home and coaching life, not giving your own kids preferential treatment and all the other issues that a coaching parent faces. There are some great tips from these five blogs – all from soccer moms or dads, who know exactly what you are going through.
- Tournament Tell All- NHB Cup
- Frustrations of a soccer mom
- Tryout & registration season … a little guide
- Soccer Dad Policy: When to Confront a Screamer?
- Crazy soccer dad
“30 Blogs with the Best Tips for Coaching Your Kid’s Under Six Soccer Team” was shared with our Sports Techie community blog by Carrie Dotson at summernannyjobs.com.

Sports Techie, Our next door neighbor as kids was Bobby Howe, a former West Ham professional football player and a past U.S. Soccer, Director of Coaching Development. He was an assistant coach with the Seattle Sounders of the old NASL in that pro sports era. I was older than 6 at that time but my youngest brother was right in that age group. Because of this relationship, our family had soccer role models growing up much like today’s American youth does because of the success of Major League Soccer.
Boys and girls as young as 4 or 5 are watching games on TV and with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and see firsthand how MLS, Premier League and Champions League players all carry themselves on and off the pitch. They also notice at this impressionable age whether each player is having fun playing the grand old sport of soccer as they did as lads or young girls because that is the number one reason any kid under six plays organized sports, for the fun of it.
What you may not realize is the Sounders FC record breaking MLS attendance this year at Century Link Stadium was not without precedence. When your neighbor is coaching the former Sounders in a game on April 9th, 1976, against the New York Cosmos featuring Pele, Giorgio Chinaglia and Franz Beckenbauer, in front of 58, 128 fans at the first ever game in the new Kingdome, you are in love with soccer for life. Seattle lost the Soccer Bowl of 1977 but averaged 24, 226 fans per match. This match is absent from the Sounders FC website.
The Sounders FC organization broke another Seattle viewing record with 67,385 fans for one game in 2103. They also set the MLS attendance record for the fifth season in row at 44,038 per home game. Other MLS teams had over 20,000 plus fans a game in nearby Portland, Vancouver, Los Angeles, and Montreal, Canada. MLS legend and former International and Team England superstar Dave Beckham just announced his addition to a new Miami franchise opportunity bid. Under six-year old kids in North America have never had this kind of exposure the game and players to emulate like #FlipHenry of the N.Y. Red Bulls.
I hope these 30 wonderful bloggers can help you with any and all soccer coaching needs for your kids. My Father was an all-around sports concessioner with a passion for coaching basketball, he liked soccer and was our biggest fan but his coaching knowledge I would rate a B. Our Soccer Mom grew up in Ecuador and loves the game but also was not the greatest soccer resource. Now Bobby Howe, he rated an A, but not everyone has this kind of next door resource growing up which is why I started Sports Techie.
Sports Techie please file these six coaching your kid topics away in your database of a brain or as a browser favorite in case you need the coach support or if some or all become an issue.
- Psychology of Coaching
- Management Skills
- Structured Practice
- Game Day – Win or Lose
- Handling Spectators
- Best Soccer Mom/Dad Blogs
A few of my past soccer coaches at the Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA and Parks & Rec could have used these links, as could some of the parents, especially the sideline behavior 101 info. I was on the cusp of the introduction of select programs that are a social norm in the United States today. This will be an issue that as new parents we will face in just a few years’ time. I will address select teams and kids in a future blog. One high-tech product to consider for this age group is a techie head band created to protect a child’s soft head.
I appreciate your parental, coaching and friendly feedback as a blog comment or via any of our social media network links below.
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