It Takes a Village to Raise Great Athletic Prodigies

Everyone loves watching sports – that is just a worldwide fact. One way or another, we are a fan of the athleticism shown in any given sport. It can be basketball, volleyball, football, any sport! Sometimes we are not necessarily a fan of the sport to start with, but suddenly we are die-hard fans just because of the marvel of a certain player or athlete. The Sports Techie community blog loves how tech helps not only train these youngsters but also delivers HD sport video clips and entire games right to your digital devices. These athletes do not just pop out of the blue and are suddenly amazing players at their game or sport. They are bred from their young years, trained hard, and conditioned to the core until they became the players that they are today, the players that we have grown to love. And this puts great emphasis and importance on the training quality of local sports team. Trainers are the firsthand guides for these future prodigies and they are somewhat responsible for the fresh molding and training of these young players.

Fund Raising
Sports are a form of business, and like any other business, it takes money to make money. It takes investments, strategy, organization, and management to make big bucks in the sports industry. At the high-profile scale and big leagues like the NBA, NFL, or any other high-tier league for any sport, more often than not, they are sponsored by rich companies or wealthy individuals who are patrons of the sport.
For the local scene of the training pool in sports, funding might not be that easy, unlike in the big leagues. Funding is so important for these local teams because it takes coin to train: the venue, water, utilities, salaries for trainers, these do not come for free. This is why funding for these local teams is so important.
Being in a local scene and a local neighborhood might have some advantages. You can actually set up a 10×20 canopy tent and start selling cookies and brownies on your block and make some money for your team! But, of course, there are better places that you can set up your tent that will create a better return on investment for your local sports team.
For neighborhoods and communities with good rapport and camaraderie values, these communities will have weekend fairs and gatherings at their local field space. They have many of the families in their community, and even some people from neighboring towns, that come to visit. This would be a great platform for the local sports teams to set up a booth and sell merchandise that will help them raise funds. These teams should also think about contacting a talented designer who can help them improve on their logo so that they can better serve as a symbol of the community. This can greatly affect sales for sports items when the logo of the team is easily recognizable and distinguishable and a clear representation of the community. But then again, it will also help the sales of sports products when they win their games so they can get traction and more popularity. There lies the problem; it takes funding to make these teams and these players good, but it takes good players to create funding. That’s why these fundraisers are so important for these local teams.
Even the Olympics are so empathetic and supportive of the local training pool. They declare the importance of support on the building and training of these young talents. They show this support in a very emotional Thanksgiving video for the 2016 Olympics. These talents start young and training can be hard. Developing competitiveness can be a hard concept to understand for the young athletes. Having good support can be key to creating these golden prodigies.

Sports Techie, so go out there and find your local sports teams and offer some help. If possible, shell out a few dollars to help them out in their training programs. Any help can assist them in so many ways. If you support your favorite NBA player, remember they started as a young talent in their local basketball court, and they received help from their neighbors, as well. Be that supporter and be part of the story of helping a soon-to-be-famous athlete.
Giving is THE Sports Techie way.
See ya later sportstechie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!
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One response to “It Takes a Village to Raise Great Athletic Prodigies”
It Takes a Village to Raise Great Athletic Prodigies, I don’t think there has ever been a truer statement. It is especially true when it comes to the financial support needed for youth sports. If you look at the State of Play released by the Aspen Institute (2018) it continues to show lower-income homes face increasing barriers to participation. Youth athletics are expensive that is why it is so important for youth sports to look for ways to fundraise/off-set participation cost.
You provide some great suggestions for ways for local sports teams to fundraise. I sit on a local athletic teams board and we are always looking for creative ways to promote our brand and raise money. I never thought of using a community event for a platform. Also, thank you for encouraging people to find a local sports team and offer some help (skills or financial). I hate asking companies and individuals for money, but I do it to better our program. I would love to have someone donate resources for the next generation of soon-to-be-famous athlete. Thanks for the insight!