adidas Brazuca for World Cup Scores With Press
The reason why the Sports Techie community blog is an affiliate of adidas is because we love sports technology and how it interacts with sport, training and lifestyle and so does adidas. So here is another adidas related blog about the new Brazuca official World Cup soccer ball that has been making the media rounds in the most positive of ways. You can read more about this critical football product via the above blog link and you can purchase it and other gear innovated with sports tech via clicking on the images and links below, thank you for your support.
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

- “50,000 raised bumps on the surface, creating a series of peaks and valleys. In theory, moisture stays in the valleys, allowing for more surface contact with the foot.
- Estimated 50% decrease in drag coefficient from that of a ball with a perfectly smooth surface. The lower the drag, the lower the air resistance—allowing the ball to fly a bit farther and faster.
- 0.71/0.44 – Estimated differences in the coefficient of restitution (essentially, the bounciness) of the ball in the temperature extremes in Brazil. In hot-weathered cities, the Brazuca can be up to 40 percent bouncier.
- 0.2% increase in weight, the Brazuca could undergo in wet conditions, whether excessive humidity or rain. The FIFA standard for an allowable increase is 10 percent, but adidas didn’t even come close.”
This ball is a next generation performer in terms of style as well as output. What better way to celebrate the upcoming global battle for the FIFA title, than taking your own game to the next level with a Brazuca! The full Brazuca series—official match balls, repliques, gliders and mini match balls—are all currently available for purchase on adidas.

adidas Brazuca Official Match Ball
Sports Techie, adidas has new sports tech inventory such as the new miCoach Smart Ball and other originals collection products and apparel that help you go #allin. The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil starts in one week so get ready by purchasing a new Brazuca ball for youself, family and friends. Your coach will love the practice ball upgrade too. I wish they sold the BrazucaCam ball but that is not available as of yet.
Thanks to Sports Science on ESPN for the Brazcua ball testing and resulting data. I like that show but it always feels 75 percent sport technology and 25 percent sports science which tells you what fans, players and coaches really want to see and understand, in my opinion. My opinion is also similar to the SI Now, Washington Post and Maxim writers, Brazuca reviews in that if you have disposable income to spend, this unique adidas soccer ball is worthy of your cash, credit or barter, if that is an option where you live.
The one-week countdown to the Rio World Cup is upon us, no time like the present to buy an adidas Brazuca Official Match Ball today.
I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie @THESportsTechie –
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