The Sports Techie Contribution To Geekness Day
As an established blogger, I was asked by SingleHop, a leading provider of dedicated server and cloud hosting technology, to participate and help celebrate “Geekness Day” which is Sunday, the 13th of July. Of course, I said yes, it is my pleasure. I may not be as geeky as some of our Sports Techie community blog readers or you, but I am touch with my geek side.

Here are my answers below to their seven geekness questions.
- What makes you a geek? I believe I am geek because I am into topics and the lifestyle many geeky people like. Gaming, Sci-Fi and Technology come to mind.
- What is your proudest geek moment? My proudest geek moment has been the constant tweet flow of nice tweets to William Shatner, via @SportsTechieNET. I have been tweeting to Mr. Shatner, aka, Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame, over the past four years, including countless #FF (Follow Friday mentions) simply hoping to get a single response from one of my childhood idols. Like many of you, I get ignored by celebrities and superstars, and as of yet have received no response, however, that does not deter the geek in me to continue to make it so.

- What is your geek motto/favorite geek quote? I have only one favorite geek quote. In the first Star Wars movie, Master Yoda tells young Luke Skywalker, “No. Try Not. Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.”
I wish for my 13-month old son to learn this valuable life lesson as I have living nearly five decades, and four years as the founder and curator of @THESportsTechie global community and trusted expert resource.
- Who is your geek role model? Back to Star Trek, it is definitely Spock, the original number one. His life giving action and quote together with Kirk, “The needs of the many, out way, (the needs of the few), or the one,” still brings tears to my geek eyes as I write this and watch the compelling video clip.
Live log and prosper, all my geek friends.
- Which SingleHopper geek do you most relate to? Why? Ryan Rodriguez. Ryan seems to get it as a self-proclaimed geek; he does not need much advanced tech to be happy, he’s a sport gamer and loves to ride different kind of bikes. What else can I say but he is pura Sports Techie at heart.
- How familiar are you with SingleHop’s product offerings (dedicated servers, private cloud hosting, managed hosting, etc.)? Zero familiarity with SingleHop.com but according to Sam Bowling, “SingleHop is a leading provider of cloud hosting and hosted IT infrastructure technology. What that means is that we provide the necessary technology to keep your website up and running for your users. For example, many e-commerce sites use hosted dedicated server technology so that if their main database is destroyed for whatever reason, they have a backup in place in a remote location. It’s very similar to backing-up your computer onto an external hard drive, but just on a larger scale. Cloud hosting is another alternative. By hosting all of your documents, emails, etc. on a designated private cloud, you can guarantee that your data will stay in the event of an emergency, and that it can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to check out SingleHop’s private cloud hosting page.” So if you are curious about their offerings as a sports technology business owners, recreational hobbyists and fellow blog writers, contact them for more information.
- Anything else you think we should know? Yes, although I am in touch with my geek and so should everyone else; I am a Sports Techie true and true. So when I was selected by the 2012 Global Sports Forum Barcelona to an official blogger and heard all the forced geek terms being used over in Spain, I had enough and decided to step up and represent a new millennial word, Techie, as an alternative for those who may want another choice. Please read: Techie is the new Geek at Global Sports Forum Barcelona | #SportsTechie blog https://n5y.1cd.myftpupload.com/techie-new-geek-global-sports-forum-barcelona/
Sports Techie, I hope your Geekness Day is all that and more. If I helped influence your geek day at all, then so be it. If not then, se la vie, or, such is life, as they say in France.
Be your own geek and techie with one thing in mind; get along with your fellow humans, animals, robots, and aliens, at all times, we are all in this world and universe together.
I sent this geeky tweet below and picture above to Leonard Nimoy, aka, Spock, when my son was born at Swedish hospital in Seattle last year, we are still waiting for a response, kind sir.
@TheRealNimoy Baby Kellan shocked us with a Vulcan salute at @Swedish! #LiveLongAndProsper #Spock
Use hashtag #SingleHopGeeks to help spread the virtual love.
Geek on, you all, I will here in Atlanta.
I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie @THESportsTechie – http://twitter.com/THESportsTechie
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One response to “The Sports Techie Contribution To Geekness Day”
[…] Spock, Leonard Nimoy, rest in […]