TeamSnap Launches New Officials Management Platform to Serve Referees and Umpires
TeamSnap Officials is ready to use. It was designed specifically to manage game officials as an intuitive online sports tech platform. This new feature allows for the management of match officials, referees and umpires while meeting communication and scheduling needs in regards to youth and recreational sport. The Sports Techie community blog encourages the use of sports tech products, solution’s and systems to optimize and streamline business operations. TeamSnap continues to build out innovative sports technology assets as a single solution to meet the constantly evolving demands of that occurs when managing sport teams, leagues and now refs, in the digital age.
TeamSnap Officials
The Boulder based company has their digital thumb on sports tech management once again. Administrators, schedulers and entire organizations can now use TeamSnap Officials to assist with scheduling, communicating with refs, umps and any official while managing the process in the clouds though their already robust online platform.
Dave DuPont, CEO and co-founder of TeamSnap said, “Referees, umpires and other officials are essential to the success of any sports season or event; there is nothing worse than not knowing if an official has been scheduled to show up to a game,”
TeamSnap Officials was developed to seamlessly integrate with TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues and TeamSnap Tournaments. Admins now have the instant ability to easily manage officials directly from one easy to use platform.
Their industry leading application enables users to schedules and game reminders. You can configure the platform for self-assignments allowing an official to schedule themselves. Brilliant, eh!
Officials Management for TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues and TeamSnap Tournaments
e games, practices, tournaments, or events, with refs and umps via instant notifications about updates to schedul
Dupont added, “We are thrilled to launch TeamSnap Officials to help alleviate some of the stress in scheduling and communicating to officials – and ensure that sports’ unsung heroes know when and where to be at all times.”
Data derived from in-depth research together with revealing consultative relationships with sports organizations and officials’ associations throughout North America helped to drive product development.
An inner TeamSnap survey of Clubs & Leagues clients produced two significant pain points.
- Last Minute Game Changes
- Scheduling
A vast majority of sports organizations have a process that requiring individual phone calls and emails to schedule officials. Their last major product feature release was TeamSnap Payments in February.
Sports Techie, I have used TeamSnap as the varsity community lacrosse coach at Dunwoody High School. I have also done a ton of reffing and umping with just about any sport on the planet. TeamSnap Officials seems like a perfect fit.
TeamSnap has a fast-growing user base of 20 million coaches, administrators, players and parents that rely on their software for signing up, scheduling, communication and coordination needs for a team all season and off-season long.
I like this quote taken from, “Teamsnap has taken the organization of youth, recreational and competitive sports into the 21st century.”
TeamSnap Officials truly takes the legwork and guesswork out of officials management with one easy-to-use, time-saving tool for assignments, scheduling and communication.
Remember, officials are the third team.
See ya later sportstechie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!
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