Tag: GrandParent

  • Mission Athletecare Enduracool Mobile Cooling Tour Officially Launched

    Mission Athletecare Enduracool Mobile Cooling Tour Officially Launched The good folks at Mission Athletecare shared with the Sports Techie community blog reader’s, breaking news today about the official launch of their summer EnduraCool mobile tour over 14 states. A brand new, innovative mobile cooling truck for athletes on a mission, is being used for the…

  • It Pays to Play Sports

    It pays to play when it comes to playing sports, especially the health benefits, lifestyle boost and sense of overall wellbeing. Sophia Barber from Sports-management-degrees.com shared a new Infographic titled “It Pays to Play” with the Sports Techie community blog. I like this content because of the positives playing sport provides people and the new data…

  • Milligan Is FANENOUGH For A Pepsi Super Bowl XLVIII #Halftime Hype Show By Lee Brice

    At the halfway point of America lies the small town of Milligan, Nebraska. With a tiny population of around 300 people, it’s a quiet place not accustomed to large fanfare or gatherings. Until now. This tiny community was surprised to see mysterious Pepsi vending machines dotting the town, spouting out FREE Pepsi to all. As the…

  • Staying Active as a Nanny: Finding the Sport and Tech for You

    After hours of chasing after toddlers, it’s sometimes difficult to muster up the energy to have a social life, much less engage in an athletic workout. However, incorporating athletic activities into your routine may help improve your social, mental and physical well-being, thus giving you the energy and positive outlook you need to provide the…


    Because nearly 16 percent of kids and teens in the U.S. are overweight, it is more important now than ever for parents and kids to develop a healthy living regimen and a strategy to remain motivated to exercise. Staying active can prevent a teen’s chances of developing Type 2 diabetes or from developing cardiovascular problems.…

  • 30 Blogs with the Best Tips for Coaching Your Kid’s Under Six Soccer Team

    Coaching kids’ soccer is a tough role to take on, especially when the kids are very young. As a coach, you have to learn to communicate at their level, which means less boring talk and more fun-focused teaching. Young kids are easily distracted, so bombarding them with soccer theory is not going to work, but…

  • 10 Reasons Outdoor Play is Crucial to Healthy Child Development

    The iconic image of the idyllic American childhood was, not so long ago, based around the idea of spending long summer days playing outside and exploring the neighborhood until the streetlights were illuminated. Today’s fear-driven culture might make it difficult to send your kids outside for the entirety of a day in good conscience without…

  • 18 Blogs with Team Building Exercises for Kids

    Team building exercises are designed to help bond a group of people together that may not otherwise know much about each other or may not know how to effectively work together. When a group of individuals become a cohesive team they are able to accomplish a lot more than they can as individuals. Team building…

  • Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids Have a Good Player-Coach Relationship

    Respect is at the center of the player-coach relationship. With a setting that is based on respectful behavior, all members of a team can thrive. A parent’s role in helping a child to have a good relationship with a coach is one of instruction, encouragement and support. Unless you, the parent, are the one doing…

  • 18 Blogs Helping You Be a Good Sports Parent

    If you’ve ever been to a youth sporting event, you have probably seen those parents that go crazy over a missed call or shot. You may have even been the parent screaming at the coach on the sideline, exclaiming that the referee made a bad call. It can be easy to let your competitive nature…