Fred Collins, PGA Master Professional, is the inventor of Swing Shirt™ and owner of Swing Shirt Productions. He reached out to the Sports Techie community blog via LinkedIn from Houston, Texas to promote his new product that automatically teaches connection in the golf swing. He wanted me to sample the new Swing Shirt™ because it is a unique golf swing aid that zips the sleeves into the body so you’ll instantly feel your body and arms working together in unison when you Zip It and Rip It. This innovative golfing shirt is like having a personal swing coach every time you practice or play because it helps you to hit longer and straighter shots & feel the perfect swing – every time, by adding 15 yards in 15 days guaranteed. Golf season has officially arrived, the Masters Tournament at Augusta National is this weekend and the Swing is in the Shirt.
**This post contains an affiliate link and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my World Cup link here: Brazil.
Swing Shirt Commercial 1 minute
Swing Shirt
The Swing Shirt™ synchs the upper arm to your body for perfect rotational swing. It connects upper arms with body almost instantly and gives you a feeling of your elbows being attached to your side. The sleeves zip into the body of the shirt and connect your arms to your body so you feel how a golf swing should feel.
It can be used in a variety of ways; zip both sleeves down or only one to target one or both arms. Zip either sleeve up or down to concentrate on the right or left arm. The firmness of the connection can be adjusted through wearing the shirt tail in for a tighter feel or out for a loser feel. Swing Shirt™ can be worn during a round as long as zippers are unzipped.
The shirt give you a consistent repetitive swing without all the practice just zip it down and the shirt teaches you the swing of Ben Hogan. Learn to play by feel, the shirt will do it for you. This shirt lets you know when you are connected vs. disconnected. You’ll enjoy more consistency and effortless power. It works no matter your age or handicap.
Swing Shirt™ is endorsed by Jim Hardy, Plane Truth inventor and PGA Instructor of the Year 2007, and Chris O’Connell, Golf Digest Top 100 Teachers. They have free video lesson, golf tips and advice using the training aid from these PGA Instructors at the web site. Do not waste time and money at the driving range until you have tried Swing Shirt™.

Swing Shirt History
Swing Shirt™ is the best swing aid for developing that consistent swing you’ve been looking for. Ben Hogan said “he wants to feel his elbows attached to his sides when he swung.”
Collins thought of the idea in 2010 and took his shirt to a seamster who tried Velcro, buttons and clips but settled on zippers to blend the body into the sleeves. After two months of testing, he hired a patent lawyer and began the patent process. The Swing Shirt is now patent pending. It took Fred two years to find the right materials and manufacturing company in Macau, China. A garment company in Portland created the patterns for the shirt. After another year, in November, 2013 they had shirts to sell, a web site and a commercial.
Fred Collins
Fred is an Economics teacher at Morton High School. Collins says, “The shirt gives you a consistent repetitive swing without all the practice just zip it down and the shirt teaches you the swing of Ben Hogan.”
Offer Details
Swing Shirt™ is the very best training aid invented as touted by leading golf instructors across the US. Swing Shirt™ comes in adult sizes, in your choice of size and color for $79.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling and youth sizes are $64.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling. Sale tax will be applied to orders from CA. This top quality shirt is 96% Polyester and 4% Spandex.
The best teaching aid you’ll ever use. www.getswingshirt.com
Call (800)-620-1279 and tell Fred I said hello.

Sports Techie, I like reviewing golf products and thank Fred for the opportunity to breakdown the Swing Shirt™.
If you are looking to find your golf swing groove, the Swing Shirt™ might be your ticket to becoming the scratch golfer I know you can be. Hitting consistent longer and straighter shots can take tedious work to get there. Knowing when you are improving can be as simple as seeing the ball fly down the fairway straight and true after eliminating your golf slice and fixing your golf hooks. It is excellent for chipping too.
Swing Shirt™ can improve a flying elbow in the backswing by fixing the right elbow before it detaches from the side causing the swing plane to change. Perhaps your arms leek out, wearing this training aid fixes that problem in a short time for less than the cost of PGA Professional lessons or several times at the driving range.
“The very best golf training aid,” says Jim Hardy.
Use your Swing Shirt™ on the range or on the course. Perfect for a birthday present or holiday gift. Is Swing Shirt™ the best training aid ever? Let me know as a blog comment below or on our social media network via the links below.
Enjoy the Masters, PGA Tour golf majors are here minus Tiger Woods, and so is the Swing Shirt™ to fix your shot.
I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie @THESportsTechie – http://twitter.com/THESportsTechie
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