At the halfway point of America lies the small town of Milligan, Nebraska. With a tiny population of around 300 people, it’s a quiet place not accustomed to large fanfare or gatherings. Until now. This tiny community was surprised to see mysterious Pepsi vending machines dotting the town, spouting out FREE Pepsi to all. As the town chatter rose to a fever pitch, Pepsi trucked in a marching band and a surprise concert from Grammy-nominated country Lee Brice, country music superstar. The Sports Techie community blog is Hyped For Halftime by Pepsi and Bruno Mars. We plan to bring you more 2014 Super Bowl sports tech content as the game gets closer, especially should our hometown Seattle Seahawks earn their way to MetLife Stadium in New Jersey.

Pepsi SB48 Get Hyped For Halftime
According to Pepsi, “When you’re trying to get the whole of America Hyped For Halftime, where do you start? For Pepsi, the answer was easy: smack-dab in the middle. That’s why we traveled to the small town of Milligan, Nebraska with a fleet of trucks, a grip of machines spouting free Pepsi, and a very special performance from country star Lee Brice.”
Pepsi surprised the tiny town of Milligan, Nebraska when they put together a one-off “Halftime Hype” show featuring country music star Lee Brice, complete with marching band and fireworks. It’s all part of Pepsi’s efforts to get the country excited about the upcoming Pepsi Super Bowl XLVIII Halftime show on February 2nd, which will feature Bruno Mars and the recently added Red Hot Chili Peppers.
“Heck, I’m a country artist, and Middle America– the halfway point between LA and New York– is right here in Milligan,” explained Brice. “It’s so cool to partner with Pepsi and bring a halftime show and good fun to a town like this.”
Pepsi invites you to their live concert, here’s the video of the surprise show at the Nebraskan farming community featuring the hit song, Parking Lot Party:
#Halftime America with Lee Brice
- Pepsi is getting America hyped for this year’s Super Bowl Halftime show, featuring Billboard’s 2013 Artist of the Year, Bruno Mars; a critically acclaimed singer, songwriter, producer and musician.
- Get hyped for the Pepsi Super Bowl XLVIII Halftime Show by watching the first Halftime hype video from Pepsi that takes us back to the first-ever halftime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meQKpdVgEjo
- Get hyped for #halftime by visiting www.pepsi.com/nfl and youtube.com/pepsi
More than 2,000 fans gathered in unpleasant 15 degree and howling wind weather in the tiny town of Milligan, Neb., on Saturday, Jan. 4 to participate in country superstar Lee Brice’s performance at Pepsi’s first-ever “Get Hyped for Halftime” event.

This grammy-nominated artist behind hits like “A Woman Like You,” “Hard to Love,” and “I Drive Your Truck” was a lineman at Clemson University. He was eager to bring his version of the Super Bowl extravaganza to the small farming community about 60 miles southwest of Lincoln.

The concert began with 70 members of the York High School marching band– aka “Pepsi Hype Squad”–performing down the main street, blasting the school’s fight song like it was their own Super Bowl. The teenagers finished the sport performance by executing a Pepsi bottle silhouette. “The marching band and the cheerleaders all got new uniforms,” Brice said of the teens’ new soft drink-sponsored wardrobes. “They’re busting out of Pepsi trucks and they’re running around the town.”
“Pepsi really kept it secret–I didn’t even know until a few days ago,” confessed Brice. “We were excited to come, so we kept it a secret, but then I realized that my name was on the back of my tour bus, so I had to duct tape it over!”

Sports Techie, The history of football halftime is told by Pepsi in this funny video below.
Pepsi – There Since the First #Halftime
Damsels in distress drive to the football field in a super fine antique car and need help. The players decide to take a game break for 15 minutes and refresh with ice cold Pepsi from a cooler as they interact with the ladies. The next scene between a player and female fan taking a selfie photo together is priceless Sports Techie humor.
Imagine how cool it would be to have a live concert and free Gatorade in vending machines all over town for any Sports Techie to enjoy like the good peps of Milligan got to thanks to Pepsi.
My favorite Milligan city scene was when the horse faced off with the Pepsi vending machine. My favorite line in the concert video was Brice saying, “I can’t believe this, I saw a Pepsi machine in the middle of a cornfield.”
Pepsi had me at #Halftime.
Best wishes this Sunday in the NFL Playoffs Divisional Final games to the Seattle Seahawks and San Francisco 49ers, and to the Denver Broncos and New England Patriots, as they play for two final spots in the Big Game.
I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie @THESportsTechie – http://twitter.com/THESportsTechie
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3 responses to “Milligan Is FANENOUGH For A Pepsi Super Bowl XLVIII #Halftime Hype Show By Lee Brice”
Where was the ad about Lee Brices surprise concert in Milligan during the Super Bowl? I did not see it
Hi Daniel, we do not know. Sports Techie
[…] thanks to Pepsi for sharing these fun […]