Mascots And Uniforms And The Effect On Winning
You probably have a favorite color that boosts your mood when wearing it. Maybe you even specifically look for clothing featuring that hue because you feel more confident wearing outfits of that shade. Some psychologists who study color say certain hues can influence a person’s mood, impact his or her brain activity and play a role in the individual’s posture. The Sports Techie community blog continues to even the playing field, this time with revealing data about the color of uniforms and information about mascots, and the possible influence they both play on winning or losing in sport. Uniform technology like adidas Climacool and Climaheat provide athletes with a jersey tech competitive edge. But color, does it really help a team win?

Are Athletes More Likely To Perform Better Based On The Uniform They Wear?
It shouldn’t be surprising, then, that some scientists also wonder whether the color of an athlete’s uniform might be a factor that determines his or her likelihood to win. Psychologists caution more research is necessary before definitive statements can be made about that interesting possibility.

A study has already shown people wearing red were more likely to win matches than athletes wearing blue in sports including taekwondo and Greco-Roman wrestling. However, data also indicates that of the NCAA men’s basketball tournaments since 2009, a significant percentage featured winners wearing blue. Discover more details in the infographic below to start making your own conclusions about the importance of uniform colors.
Sportswear Unlimited Infographic
Sports Techie, do uniform colors really affect player performance? More studies are needed but the facts so far indicate the colors of red and orange each helped NCAA college football champions win 35.2 percent of the titles compared to any other color. Since 2008, three shades of blue adorned the college basketball champion 85.5 percent of the time followed by red at 14.2 percent. A different study uncovered Blue as the shade of choice for winners of one-on-one combat sports like martial arts, wrestling and boxing. The 2004 Olympic games study on Judo athletes indicated that blue uniforms made a slight difference in wins but that data was later disputed.
Mascots of people like the Seminoles, Tar Heels and Sooners, Spartans, Trojans and Volunteers assisted with winning six NCAA Championships since 1998. Mascots that are Animals or Predators have since won three national championship trophies apiece.
Coaches, players and fans want to know more as to whether emotions such as mood, instinctive behaviors and accelerated brain activity, in addition to body language such as posture, are each affected by uniform color and the role of mascots.
I mentioned to one of our Dunwoody High School boy’s lacrosse players that his black Nike socks made him appear to move quicker as said in the old wise tale about black socks without climacool. I hope the team reads this blog and realizes Wildcats is an animal mascot and we have some red in our uniform, both good omens for winning.
Thanks to Sportswear Unlimited for sharing their Infographic.
Uniforms colors, mascots, recruiting, and winning, who knew.
See y’all later in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world.
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