Tips to save money can be found virtually anywhere these days. Pack your own lunch, skip the morning Starbucks, etc., but did you know that your spending habits also affect your wealth? Recent studies show that if you kick a couple of bad habits, you can improve both your health and your wealth. The Sports Techie community blog welcomes contributions such as the following infographic.
Health and Wealth
To no surprise, smoking tops the list as one of the worst habits financially and for your health. With the average cost of a cigarette costing 31 cents, the cost of cigarettes alone can cost over 1,300 dollars a year. The financial commitment doesn’t stop with just buying a pack of smokes. Due to the increased insurance premiums and decreased coverage that smokers incur, the overall cost for smokers can cost between $6,500 and $13,500.
Smoking isn’t the only bad habit that causes a strain on your life. Fast food consumption on a regular basis not only packs on the pounds, but can add up to a hefty sum as well. With over half of 18-29 year-olds eating fast food on a weekly basis, it starts to get expensive. Even children today are eating fast food that adds up to a higher cost. Fast food can be so expensive that it adds up to an average of $1,200 a year just for buying the meals. On top of that, each meal contains around 2,000 calories. This causes healthcare costs to skyrocket as well which costs an extra $5,500 a year.
Smoking and fast food consumption usually leads to physical inactivity as well. According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is the 4th leading risk factor for death globally. The top five inactivity-related diseases combined cost more than 67.5 billion dollars worldwide.
Whether you are trying to improve your health to qualify for a better life insurance policy or make your paychecks last a little longer, eliminating these costly habits can improve both your health and wealth greatly. Check out this infographic on Investment Zen to find out more on how these habits are destroying your health and burning a hole in your wallet.
Sports Techie, investing in a healthier lifestyle can cost little but the return on investment can be huge. Talking a walk, eating less fatty foods and less puffing, all do not cost a dime but will keep you healthier in both the short and long run. I would add, less screen time to this information.
I have undergone a sea of change myself and lost over 30 pounds and kept it off doing these exact recommendations. It is easy to fall off the train, but like when my son falls down, I tell him to get right back up and press on. Same can be said with living a more healthy life and saving money. There will be times when you fall off the path, simply redirect course and know by doing so you save money while benefiting your overall health and wellness.
Like my Dad likes to say, staying in shape is a lifetime battle. My Father aka Grandpa, is right, fitness and exercise are the fountain of youth, as are these valuable tips.
See ya later sports techie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!
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