Win $25,000 in prizes at the Wearable Technologies 2012 Innovation World Cup competition for the best idea in wearable technology. There are five categories, Sports & Fitness, Healthcare & Wellness, Security & Prevention and Gaming & Lifestyle. The event will have two winners per category. Your solutions will be evaluated by an international panel of experts who will consider factors such as marketability, usability and degree of innovation. Sports Techie, you have until November 30th, 2012 to submit at this web site link.
Wearable Technologies (WT)
Wearable Technologies (WT) imply all kinds of electronic devices that can be worn at or near the body. The technology used in these devices can be divided in the following main segments: sensor systems, communication technology, smart energy solutions and high tech materials.
WT devices can be enhanced by different services such as smartphone applications that make it easy for the user to share or track their personal data. Social media integration might already be a Standard option to include when designing your WT.

Sports and Fitness
The Innovation World Cup is looking for new or enhanced wearable devices that make tracking even easier and data transmission faster and more secure. It could be a shoe gadget, hat function, invisible wingsuit button, or tweaks to any of the thousands of existing products. New WT activity monitors created and manufactured by Nike Fuelband, Adidas miCoach and Fitbit, are trendy and worth investigating for possible M2M synergy. Fitness, heart-rate and body function monitors have tremendous market potential.
Healthcare and Wellness
Folks live longer so inventing tools that deliver easy and comfortable measurement and transmission of vital signs – from wellness to life saving measures, is the name of this category game.
This market has extremely high growth potential. The diversity of the market opens up basically endless opportunities for new technology solutions. Wearable medical devices allow patients more independence and the freedom to move around as they like. Bionics, prosthetics and alpha waves are some examples.
Security and Prevention
Improved protective technologies for a safer working environment are important here. Protective clothing for workers in extreme conditions, special gear for rescue teams working in areas of natural disasters, or tracking devices measuring if employees are active enough to maintain a healthy life style are just a few of the hundreds of current issues to consider when visualizing your new idea. Maybe hurricane Sandy helps to trigger a new winning idea in this category.

Gaming and Lifestyle
Wearable devices are components that help to simplify the systematic processes of gaming and living. This category calls for seamless WT interfaces to enhance the fun and interactivity of games and everyday life. Upgrade a Sim or virtual reality experience with your new device. The home is a logical industry for Sports Techie entrepreneurs to dream up wearable tech functions. A car, boat or bike modification might do it, or perhaps you develop a brand new sports training gadget to submit that is your ticket to a win.
Special Prize Category – Best wearable M2M solution
Enter a unique M2M (machine-to-machine) solution that can be worn at or near the body and win additional media exposure by winning this special prize category.
Describe your prototype or device in a functional way, accompanied by images showing the special features, results or advantages of your solution. If the idea you invent is a new wearable device and does not exactly fit into a category, submit it anyway, you might win based on your one of a kind ingenuity. The event FAQ suggests you enter a running prototype or a developed solution. They also recommend that you take steps to sufficiently protect your intellectual property before submitting your concept for the competition.
Texas Instruments will be giving away development kits at a 50% discount to the first 200 participants. STMicroelectronics will give participants the chance to use their RF development kits and ST sensor tools at a discounted – rate.
The panel of international industry judges is made up of ICT, electronics, sports and health care, research experts. All judges sign a non-disclosure-agreement (“NDA”) before beginning the concept evaluation process. The selection of the final great eight is an anonymous, online evaluation process.
Besides the WT Innovation World Cup money prizes there are potential sportsbiz partners who are looking to speak with any level of sports technologists who have the right concept. At the IWC 2012 you will network with Executives, uncover possible end user channels and generate excitement about your idea.
The Title sponsor is Texas Instruments, the Preferred Technology Partner is STMicroelectronics, and the Sponsor is VARTA Microbattery, as well as an international network of partners including the Continua Health Alliance, Cluster 55 from Sweden, the IOTCloud Show & BuildInG Taiwan, and Team Côte d’Azur from France.
- Prize money of USD 5,000
- Extensive promotion of the finalists‘ submissions and press work through the marketing channels of sponsors and partners
- Opportunity to present the innovation at the Wearable Technologies Conference 2013 in Munich and at the Wtshow in line with ISPO 2013
- Special Topic Prize
Best wearable M2M solution: Have a special M2M (machine-to-machine) solution in mind that can be worn at or near the body? Submit it now and get additional media exposure by winning the special prize category
If your submission is not selected as one of the eight finalists your name and concept will not be published. Contest sponsors and judges will have the option to contact individuals not selected as finalists if there is an interest in further evaluation of their concepts. The judges will complete the online evaluation of all concepts and select the eight finalists by January, 15th, 2013.
Your idea will be hosted in a secure Internet registration database. After going through the sign up process you can return as often as you like until the final concept submission. Incomplete submissions are not allowed. Any questions can be sent to: a.daniels@navispace.de
Innovation World Cup Management
Navispace AG
Madeleine-Ruoff-Str. 26
Register to win here: http://app.innovationworldcup.com/iwc/member/register

The Wearable Technology market will exceed $6 Billion by 2016, claims IMS Research, World Market for Wearable Technology – A Quantitative Market Assessment – 2012. Their data indicates an increasing demand for actionable, real-time data in a range of applications which is driving strong demand for wearable technology. 14 million wearable devices were shipped in 2011; by 2016, wearable technology will represent a minimum revenue opportunity of $6 billion. IMS Research suggest that new product areas where wearable technology will have strong impact include Smart Watches, Smart Glasses, Sleep Sensors, industrial and military heads-up displays and hand-worn terminals.
Sports Techie, Tech that you wear is what Dick Vital calls, “a no-brainer.” Technology options integrated into your wearables has arrived. The wearable technologies sports business market is poised to sky rocket at hyper speed growth. WT is an outstanding sports technology sports business opportunity for any small, medium or large sized company to live long and prosper. Businesses, consumers and athletes all win because these technological wearable advancements improve lives, performance and safety.
Google Smart Glasses caught the world by storm. Mobile device use is exploding around the globe. WT wired into apparel, eyewear and all kinds of devices are exploding industries. Whether you are a serious action sport thrill seeker, a casual city or country exerciser, or someone who simply likes to be active in the elements, your WT idea could be the one that wins you the 2012 Wearable Technologies Innovation World Cup.
If this is not for you then pass this blog link to a Sports Techie who comes to mind.
I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie
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