Tag: world

  • Football Helmet Sensor Technology

    Researching the topic of technology sensors in football helmets for iQ by Intel was an outstanding Sports Techie community blog opportunity. I interviewed helmet manufacturers Riddell Sports, Schutt Sports and Xenith along with an Intel spokesperson about how their company addresses helmet sensor tech. Big Data generated by high-impact collisions is being gathered with Intel…

  • 49ers Fan And Sustainable Technology Centric Stadium Hosting Super Bowl 50

    49ers Fan And Sustainable Technology Centric Stadium Hosting Super Bowl 50 The San Francisco 49ers franchise is about to take the NFL and global technological lead by constructing a new smart stadium that will be ready to host Super Bowl 50 in 2016. The article I wrote for iQ Intel, like the blogs I write…

  • We Play: NBA In The UK – Challenges, Opportunities And Social Media ROI Free Download

    We Play released NBA in the UK: Challenges, Opportunities and Social Media ROI which is available as a free download via the company’s website. The report takes an in-depth look at the NBA’s UK fan base in order to identify the sports business opportunities and challenges the organization faces ahead of January’s Global Game in London between the Atlanta…

  • Xirrus XR-2425H Hardened Array High-Density Outdoor Wi-Fi Connectivity Ups The Game

    The brand new Xirrus XR-2425H hardened array allows super-fans at live outdoor sporting events to have ultra-fast Wi-Fi at their fingertips. The XR-2425H reduces IT load and the total cost of ownership for venue operations with an Industry –first four-radio Array with each radio supporting 802.11n and delivering 3 Gbps that supplies the bandwidth, reach…


    Because nearly 16 percent of kids and teens in the U.S. are overweight, it is more important now than ever for parents and kids to develop a healthy living regimen and a strategy to remain motivated to exercise. Staying active can prevent a teen’s chances of developing Type 2 diabetes or from developing cardiovascular problems.…

  • Spartan Race World Championship on NBC Sports December 7th

    The Spartan Race Beast World Championship on NBC Sports December 7th is a 90-minute TV special that features the World Championship and focus on the sport of obstacle racing. This event, the culmination of the 2013 Reebok Spartan Race Series, took place on September 21-22, 2013, in scenic central Vermont, near Spartan Race headquarters in Pittsfield. Tens…

  • How the Ski Industry Affects the Environment

    Nearly 96 percent of consumers have a positive image of companies that participate in cause marketing, reports research group Cone/Echo. How does this affect ski and other sports enthusiasts? Providing inexpensive products and services isn’t enough in today’s consumer-savvy market. In addition to demanding products that add value and make life easier, consumers want to…

  • EON Sports VR SIDEKIQ Future of Football And Sports Training

    The Sports Techie community blog spoke with Brendan Reilly, CEO, Eon Sports VR, about their data driven sports technology for performance training. EON Sports VR uses virtual reality, head mounted, 3D plays to help athletes improve and win games like teams are currently doing in traditional film rooms. The former hoops manager for Kansas Basketball…

  • TeamSnap Survey Confirms Youth Sports Participation Are Time And Financial Investments

    TeamSnap just released a survey confirming that participation in youth sports is a significant time and financial investment for its users throughout the world. They are as the number one web and mobile team and activity management service company we have featured on the Sports Techie community blog. Their insightful research provides insights about investment…

  • FIS Winter Sports Web Site Powered by Deltatre For Sochi Olympic Games

    The International Ski Federation (FIS) recently partnered with deltatre to rebrand their web site in time for a significant increase in Internet traffic by fans of each sport discipline and the Sochi Winter Olympics that begins in less than 100 days. The new FIS web platform has been operating for one month now and delivers a database of exclusive digital…