Tag: Facebook

  • New American-Made Index By CARS

    Cars and trucks have long been one of the manufacturing anchors and job sources of the United States economy since the birth of the model T and because of advancements in technology; the industry has truly gone global. One innovative American digital business of note is Cars.com which launched in 1998 out of Chicago and…

  • The Art of Enjoying Sports Online and Offline

    doesn’t mean a person can’t learn to like sports wherever the GPS says you are located at the moment. There are plenty of ways to enjoy sports offline and online via a digital device or computer whether you’re simply a spectator or part of the game. Here are a few ideas that will get you…

  • Tully Banta-Cain Looking to Bring 3d Hologram Tom Brady to NFL Halls, Stadiums

    Tully Banta-Cain Looking to Bring 3d Hologram Tom Brady to NFL Halls, Stadiums   Is Hologram 3D the future of Football in the United States? The Sports Techie community blog welcomes the idea presented by a former New England Patriots player. Growing up as a Star Trek fan and loving the holodeck as I do,…

  • Use Spartan Race Father’s Day Promotion Code SPARTANDAD

    Use Spartan Race Father’s Day promotion code SPARTANDAD and get 50% off gear, $69 races and 2 free digital books with any race purchase (Spartan Up! & Spartan Fit!) I advise racers and fellow Dad’s to first figure out your race type, consider the endurance events, enter your children in the kid races, and for…

  • Start Your UAV Engines: Getting Started in Drone Racing

    When affordable drones first became available, it was only a matter of time before people began racing them. The Sports Techie community blog loves this new sport because it is truly the merger of sports and technology with a healthy dose of safe competition. It’s obvious why drone racing is taking the world by storm when the…

  • SportsCastr Live CEO Chats With THE Sports Techie Community Blog

    Innovative & Easy-To-Use Platform Allows Any User to Create Professional-Level Live Sports Broadcast SportsCastr Live is in beta testing mode until September yet launched their new customizable video platform this week designed for all digital devices to enable professional looking streamed video broadcasts over an iOS app, laptop or desktop computer. The innovative sports tech…

  • The Rise Of Soccer By Women And Girls

    The Women’s Football BOOM! Football around the globe has never been more popular and much on the rise in soccer participation numbers can be attributed to women. The amount of female players registering to play football here in the United States coincides with the US Soccer National Team and their success as World Cup and…

  • How to Keep Kids Motivated When Playing Team Sports

    Children Can Be Motivated For The Rights Reasons To Play Team Sports It’s well known that there are many benefits your child gains when playing sports on a regular basis. The Sports Techie community blog is a firm believer in this concept because playing a sport together with peers helps kids learn how to play…

  • Tech Meets Soccer: Could VAR Change the Game Forever?

    Tech Meets Soccer: Could VAR Change the Game Forever? Within the last year, IFAB (International Football Association Board) have approved a new type of referee to feature in soccer matches to work in tandem with the on-field referee, a move which could potentially change the game forever. The Sports Techie community blog is in agreement…

  • Eaton LED Illuminating Final Four At UOP Stadium, US Bank Stadium And Mercedes-Benz Stadium

    Three of Next Four Men’s College Basketball Championship Games Playing Under Eaton’s LED Sports Lighting System Ephesus sports light-emitting diode known as LED is illuminating the Men’s College Basketball Championship games March 31 – April 3, 2017 at Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. Eaton power management company is also scheduled to provide LED lighting and…