Make Your Google Authorship Picture Unique Sports Techie Community

The Sports Techie logo on our Google + page
The Sports Techie logo on our Google + page

Make Your Google Authorship Picture Unique

It is very common to get images or pictures of a blogger of a related blog or any content in search results on any topic. This is indeed a new modified feature of the Google community. Google+, a social networking site on Google, provides a passage to get connected with the contents or blogs written by the users. Readers can get access to this blog or content much easily. An interesting fact about Google authorship is that a viewer can view the profile picture of the blogger. This feature was introduced towards the end of 2011.

An overview of Google authorship

The user will have to add a link to his Google+ profile to get initiated with Google authorship. But one of the major factors to be noticed is the Google authorship picture must be very unique. There are some certain rules that are needed to be followed. Also, get access to Google authorship, the user needs to have an account in Google+. To get implemented with Google authorship, Google community undergoes a series of detailed verification of the user.

The first step of getting it done

Firstly, a three link process is followed where all the blog or content pages of the author is connected to the biography page of the author, and it is then linked with the author’s Google+ profile and further this page is linked to the biography page of the author again. This process is followed by a two link process for those content pages which are not linked to the biography page of the author. Lastly, the process follows email verification where the author’s email address is verified with the email address in Google+ and registered separately.

Tidbits of the profile picture

Next the profile pictures of the authors must be made to attract. The foremost corrections needed for the profile pictures is a perfect background color. Either a colored background must be given to establish an interest for the viewers or a white background must be maintained to highlight the face in the profile picture.

More enhancements for a unique picture

Another way to develop a keen interest for viewing the contents of the author is by using the unique cropping feature. If the author is not interested to keep a regular background, he or she is free to set up any background of a location related to the blog or content. Another way to make eye-catching is to go for monochromatic effects on the picture. Also, a border can be used to focus on the picture. It must be remembered that viewers must get fascinated to the pictures for developing interest to view other contents of the author.

Google authorship opens up a world of opportunities for any person associated with this feature. People who want to be seen, felt and discovered anew will vouchsafe with the intrinsic facilities and explicit benefits of this feature. The need and urge to feature in the sorted list of people, the need for good quality subjects as well as a unique picture is the utmost need. In other words, it is often the picture and its appeal that speaks well for a person and indeed he does need a good one to get known really well.

About The Author: Claudia is a writer/blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes to Regal Cigs

Make Your Google Authorship Picture Unique, Sports Techie blog
Make Your Google Authorship Picture Unique, Sports Techie blog

Sports Techie, We thank Claudia for her insightful blog about how and why to make your Google authorship picture unique. The steps she provides above are easy to follow. The value of this branding process is that most people and companies who search the Internet for content, subject matter experts, and products, will be able to see your eye popping Google + photo and be drawn in for further inquiry and sports business possibilities. Because Google owns YouTube, upgrading your Authorship picture should help your channel identity in the same SEO and ranking ways.

I will take Claudia’s valuable recommendations and refresh the Sports Techie Google + pictures over the next several weeks, it is wise sportsbiz. This means I will be updating the links, selecting a background color or image, and uploading a new Google Plus photograph. Cropping the image is a useful feature to take advantage of. Using a border will also help the image pop as will monochromatic effects. By accomplishing these steps, our new Google Authorship picture should do an improved job of drawing in more Sports Techie eyes to our community and content then our current logo pic does.

Leave any helpful Google Authorship comments or questions on this blog, or at our social media networks you can link to below. If you have a thought as to what picture I should use, please share that with me at

Remember, Sports Technology is the way…

I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie –

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* Sports Techie is not affiliated with Claudia or any of the links she provides.


