Chivas is now offering OTT services from StreamAMG to stream online soccer video directly to Club Deportivo Guadalajara fans across Mexico and throughout the world. This makes the Liga MX club the only team to offer a streaming service directly to fans. The Sports Techie community blog has followed StreamAMG as they continue to expand their sports tech infused business partnerships around the world as more and more sport consumers cut the cord while looking for media owners that offer web-based video streams delivering both live and archived content. The ChivasTV relaunch offers the new expanded OTT service offer to ChivasnHermanos who can now watch live and on-demand football content at any time.

Besides watching live matches, subscribers can view game highlights played at home in Estadio Akron or on the road, they can view player and coach interviews, and take part with special features involving the Chivas men, women and youth squads. The organization made a business decision to provide OTT as a means to further engage with loyal and new fans that want the option to view what they want, where they want it on the device of their choosing.
Amaury Vergara, Chief Executive Officer at Club Deportivo Guadalajara said, “I’m very excited with this new partnership because it will help us reach more ChivaHermanos around the world, making us bound with them as one big family. StreamAMG are the perfect partner given their experience across football and other sports, and we look forward to working together to provide the best possible experience for our fans.”
Club Deportivo Guadalajara is one of the most respected and popular teams in Mexico through their rich history of successfully competing in Mexico, North America and overseas. They claim a fanbase of 40 million fans across the globe including many here in the United States.
The StreamAMG suite of video solutions has the bandwidth capabilities to stream live and archived footage, all day and night. Their video on demand content management product continues to evolve with new features. Managing accounts and payments are easy to navigate. Their full OTT services enables real-time upload and distribution for fast consumption.
Hugo Sharman, Chief Executive Officer at StreamAMG, said, “We’re excited to be working with Chivas as our first club partner in Latin America given their history and reputation. Everyone here is looking forward to helping Chivas expand their reach to fans, and increase monetization through live and on-demand video content.”
Stream Advanced Media Group has world class technologies and are a leading provider of online video solutions worldwide. Their reliability, customer service and scalability are leading the industry into the future as they focus on designing unique user experiences. Besides sports and media holders, they also work with betting firms. Rolling into 2020, the company has the been the backend for more than 30 million hours of exciting live sport streams in addition to delivering 8,000 sports events every year.

Sports Techie, soccer is indeed international in scope and Chivas wants to make sure their hungry fans are able to stream live matches and archived videos as is done with the top Clubs around he world.
In 2019, Liga MX was one of the top fifteen leagues in the world. I would say they are top ten for sure. Having said that, Mexican league fans are certainly in the top ten worldwide. This marriage of passionate fan with top league is a recipe for OTT success. ChivasTV is the digital solution making this happen for Chiva Hermanos.
StreamAMG enters Latin America for the first time and will undoubtedly have more clients in the near future and beyond.
See you later sportstechie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!
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