BSports Match Analysis tool has Live in game projections for five major soccer leagues. BSSports (Bloomberg Sports) is a web service that provides up-to-the minute odds, projections, and statistics for one of the world’s most popular sports. If your Sports Techie interest lies in English Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, and Ligue 1 analytics, you have found your European football, second screen, odds-busting companion with Match Analysis. This new real-time feature calculates data-driven projections of live European soccer matches.
Football fans can sign up today at www.BloombergSports.com/football.
Live Match Analytics
“When we began looking at the analytic offerings we could offer to fans, one major opportunity we saw was updating information in real time across all the football leagues, a service that was very much needed and was not provided, and we are very excited to offer this cutting edge advantage to all those using our new tools,” said Bill Squadron, head of Bloomberg Sports.
Fans in England, France, and Germany, Italy and Spain as well virtually every nation on this planet now have metrics allowing soccer fans and bettors to see the odds change on all aspects of live play, as time and match events change the probabilities of different outcomes and statistical situations. Using data from current and previous seasons, BSports has been able to forecast the outcomes of matches, and in some cases even been able to predict the score with great accuracy.
Based on calculations using the Kelly criterion, the Match Analysis win/loss/draw projections would have provided fans with a 9% return over the past three months where its projected odds differed from the average bookmaker. These BSports projections will now be available live to fans and punters, both to enhance viewing of the match and compare the BSports in-running odds to the bookmakers’ numbers.

Match Analysis Demo:
Bill added, “These live match projections will keep any supporter engaged in one or a dozen matches he or she is interested in, and will provide bettors the ability to compare the pure probabilities with odds offered by bookmakers.”
Data-Driven Projections for each Match in the Major European Leagues
- Built from in-depth analysis of current and historical data
- Predictive models on the winner, final, and half-time score
- From the world’s leader in analytics for the global financial markets
Extensive Information and Charts on the Game at your Fingertips
- Get deeper inside each match
- Find the keys to the game
- Win arguments with your friends
One Log-In Gets You Access on your Computer, your Smartphone, your Tablet
- One price, multiple ways to access
- Mobile optimized experience for iOS and Android

Launched in September, BSports Match Analysis delivers advanced statistics and predictive analysis for major futbol leagues. Built from in-depth analysis of current and historical data, Match Analysis provides predictive models on the winner, final, half-time score, and total goals, breaking down each of the key game factors as well as a host of original information designed to enhance the global football fan’s enjoyment and interest in the games of their choosing.
Visit the Official Twitter page for @BSports.

Sports Techie, Match Analysis cost is £4.00 per month for the season. Over time, your Match Analytics sportsbiz investment should pay itself off and then some. This will be the most accurate and extensive guidance for in-play bettors to date. Fans are able to see those same projections, adjusted in real-time for the first time.
As a football game moves forward, Match Analysis adjusts for key events. The combination of historical and real-time analytics truly enhances the in-game experience, and provides any Sports Techie with a great sense of which way the momentum is shifting as the match moves along.
Bloomberg sports technology products are revolutionizing the way both gamblers and fans engage with game criteria. Breaking down game data with Match Analytics in order to identify and act on key trends as the action is happening is a statistical difference maker worth having. BSports intends to expand it to other soccer leagues and other sports. Check back for future news about BSports at the Sports techie blog.
Get your real-time football analytics from the world’s leading data technology company. Whether betting in Las Vegas or online in the UK on your mobile device, BSports has unrivaled statistics and analysis.
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