It was an Ultra Sports Techie beautiful day U2 concert in Seattle when a video message from Commander Mark E. Kelly, who is on 16-day mission with the Endeavour crew, was shown to everyone at Qwest Field on the BIG screen. Having worked on the Our Team Works stadium campaign team for another Ultra Sports Techie, Paul Allen, this unforgettable moment sunk in with the fact that my fellow Washington State voters passed Referendum 48 in 1997 by only a slim 1.5 percent margin, otherwise, the Seahawks were off to California and this special moment at Qwest Field would never have happened. Big Sports Techie shout out to the U2 360° tour, NASA Commander Kelly, Seattle hero Paul Allen and the real heroes, the WA state voters and fans for all making this moment so. Without sports and technology, this beautiful day would not have been Sports Techie. I love U2 so words cannot accurately describe what being a part of this amazing moment in our world’s history personally meant to me. I hope this blog helps bring it home Sport Techie. The race for space is back on.

The Youtube video of Ultra Sports Techie Commander Kelly from space:
I will see ya when I see ya, Sports Techie.
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