The Best Fitness Apps That Eliminate Common Workout Excuses

The Sports Techie community blog is all about a sound mind, sound body.

The Sports Techie community blog is all about the notion of a sound mind, sound body. Over 60% of American adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise and 25% of adults are inactive altogether, a recent government study reveals. Whether it’s a lack of time, motivation, or exercise equipment, there are many reasons why people don’t workout. Fortunately, fitness apps can eliminate common workout excuses, so you can start exercising regularly and live a fit and healthy lifestyle. If price is a deciding factor, look for free to use, complimentary trails and low cost solutions. Start training with sports tech applications yesterday, your quality of life and improved fitness level will never be better as a result.

I’m not motivated to stick to a routine

BetterMe is a weight loss app designed to help you work out, eat healthy, and ultimately reach your health and exercise goals. The app creates personalized workout routines and also reminds you every time you’re due to workout. It’s therefore easier for you to stay on track, live an active lifestyle, and maintain a healthy weight. The app also provides you with a meal plan that doesn’t require fancy ingredients, cooking skills, or equipment. You simply buy the groceries and follow simple step-by-step recipes. Calorie counting and healthy eating is therefore made a breeze. BetterMe also provides you with plenty of useful health and fitness advice, including video-guides demonstrating how to exercise correctly.

I don’t have time to workout

If you love working out but struggle to find the time, Gixo could be the app for you. Gixo offers 5-, 15-, 25-, or 40-minute workout sessions conducted live by professional trainers throughout the day. It’s therefore easy for you to get an effective workout in whenever suits your busy schedule. If you miss a live class, just workout to the re-play later. The app enables you to choose from a selection of fitness classes, which include walking, running, HIIT, and strength training. You can also take advantage of support from online coaches and interact with fellow Gixo members online. After a free trial, Gixo costs $20 monthly (or $180 annually) for access to 19 hours of live fitness classes each day and an on-demand video library. This program is cheaper than a gym membership and saves commuting by vehicle to the facility helping our environment is the process.

I can’t afford strength training equipment

The You Are Your Own Gym app makes it easy for you to workout without having to purchase a gym membership contract or expensive exercise equipment. Fitness instructor and author, Mark Lauren, designed this app to provide fun and affordable bodyweight workouts that require just your body to complete. The app has over two hundred videos of isometric exercises which vary from suitable for beginners to advanced levels. Programs are as long as thirty-six minutes and as short as two minutes — so you’ll always be able to fit a workout in no matter how pressed for time your schedule is. You Are Your Own Gym also allows users to select a muscle group and change intensity settings per workout for tailored needs. 

Sports Techie, no matter the reasons stopping you from working out regularly, there’s bound to be a free or reasonable costing fitness app designed to eliminate the obstacles you’re facing. Try out these fitness apps for yourself and get ready to finally reach your health and fitness goals.

As my Dad, aka Grandpa or Coach, always tells his family and players, “Staying in shape is a lifetime battle.”

Thank goodness sports technology is there to augment your fitness regime.

See you later sportstechie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!

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