Tag: park

  • 10 iPhone Apps You Need While Camping with the Kids

    Camping with kids can turn out one of two ways – a great experience for the whole family, or a nightmare that none of you will ever forget. The key to successful camping is in making sure that you’re properly prepared. You need the right tools and skills to survive comfortably in the wilderness, even…

  • LIT activity tracker is crowdfunding on Indiegogo with only one day left

    LIT is the first activity tracking watch designed to interpret movements in surf, skate, snow, moto and other Action Sports. LIT also tracks simple activities like walking, running, or even gardening along with the technology to track and measure big airtime, peak g-force, rotations, jumps and a host of other unique metrics. This Sports Techie…

  • The 2013 Kia Optima Sedan with Panoramic Sunroof meets the Sports Techie needs

    The 2013 Kia Optima Sedan with Panoramic Sunroof meets the Sports Techie needs. Charlie of HowToBeADad shares a fine example of how morphing together sports and technology can be a simple thing. Simply watching airplanes through a techie sunroof on your car with a family member, significant other, or friend, can do it. Driving children around in…