Tag: gamification

  • MLB.com Launches MLBAM and Big League Analysis, Digital Academy, to Connect with Youth Baseball

    The good people at Major League Baseball get sports technology and so does the founder and CEO of Big League Analysis, LLC, Tyson Hanish, who was gracious enough to speak to the Sports Techie blog about the debut of their tech platform and proprietary software tools, despite being a day away from being a Father…

  • Tips to become a sports junkie

      If you like to be a sports junkie, then you have to follow some criteria as well. Actually, these criteria are essential for your sports sense. Moreover, your love for sports will invite you to become a junkie as well. Since, the prime requirement for becoming sports junkie is that you should have love…

  • Favourit social network App helps you bet smarter

    Favourit – social network App helps you bet smarter. Their new platform offers a brand new way for sports fans to engage in social sports betting experience with real money betting partners to tap the wisdom of the crowds. Favourit, the smartest tipping and betting community for sports fans can be downloaded at the App…