Tag: Disney
MNF On Disney’s ESPN Presents The Simpsons Funday Football Real-Time Animated Alt Broadcast
NFL’s Next Gen Stats Player Tracking Data Combined with Sony’s Beyond Sports and Hawk-Eye Innovation Enables Virtual Re-Creation of the Game Monday Night Football meets The Simpsons Funday Football tonight, December 9, in a fully immersive fan viewing experience. State-of-the-art, real-time visualization technology by Beyond Sports technology, combined with Hawk-Eye Innovations’ optical tracking, will be used…
Video Streaming Platforms Offer OTT Savings Versus Cable TV Costs
Cut The Cord Because OTT Technology Saves Streaming Sports Costs Cutting the cord is like swimming or riding a bike solo for the first time, you simply have to plunge in when the time calls for saying good-bye to traditional cable television or satellite pay-TV commitments and go for it. In my case, paying for…
Panasonic USA Live CES Coverage By THE Sports Techie
Follow THE Sports Techie community at CES 2018 as I curate and share sports tech related content about how Panasonic USA is revolutionizing business and the fan experience with immersive entertainment solutions tailor-made for college sports stadiums, professional sport arenas and ballparks, and most recently, eSports facilities. Panasonic will showcase 100 years and beyond of…
Panasonic Projection Solutions at Game of Thrones Premier Party, Millennium Park, Rio Olympics, and More
Panasonic Projection Solutions at Game of Thrones Premier Party, Millennium Park, Rio Olympics, and More Panasonic USA projection solutions are designed for the immersive entertainment experience, not just in sports but any live entertainment venue or permanent facility. Via high-res images, digital signage and new flag mapping, projectors display visually enhanced imagery designed to augment…
Fantasy Sports And Daily Fantasy Sports: What You Need to Know
Fantasy Sports And Daily Fantasy Sports: What You Need to Know Fantasy sports (FS) are games played by sports fans and enthusiasts against one and other. The games are generally played online and with apps by players building virtual teams with real players. Results are based on the performance of those players. Choosing a “fantasy”…
Sports Tech Increasing MLB Viewership Numbers During World Series
The World Series between the Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers began yesterday giving Major League Baseball center stage for this epic sporting event while the sports stands at a growth crossroads. Once the most popular American pastime, baseball has begun to dwindle. Less and less people are watching baseball on TV and fans are getting…
Panasonic USA Powers SunTrust Park, Battery Immersive Entertainment Solutions
Panasonic USA and the Atlanta Braves are using proprietary technology and cutting-edge immersive entertainment solutions to super charge SunTrust Park and the Battery district’s new legacy destination entirely focused on the connected fan experience. In just 36-months’ time, the Braves designed and constructed the premier MLB ballpark to be ready for the 2017 season as…
NFL Game Pass Europe Launches To Change Fan Viewership Habits
Europe, Get Ready For NFL Game Pass Europe OTT Streaming NFL Game Pass Europe launched in time for the New England Patriots dismantling by the Kansas City Chiefs in game one of the 2017 season. American football fans in 61 European markets can now pay to subscribe to stream live games and compelling, data rich…
Start Your UAV Engines: Getting Started in Drone Racing
When affordable drones first became available, it was only a matter of time before people began racing them. The Sports Techie community blog loves this new sport because it is truly the merger of sports and technology with a healthy dose of safe competition. It’s obvious why drone racing is taking the world by storm when the…
American Express All for Dub Nation Watch Party For Warriors Fans Throwback Theme
American Express Warriors Watch Party – Tickets Available Today The second American Express ‘All for Dub Nation’ Watch Party has tickets available now. Golden State Warriors fans in the Bay Area will once again get together on Thursday, February 23, 2017 to be part of this exclusive opportunity for AMEX Card Members to rally and cheer on…