Sports Techie Daily Deals begin in October. Sports Techie is pleased to announce that we are entering Social Commerce together with our new Seattle area partners, Venpop.

If you want to learn more about and purchase the hottest sports tech gadgets, shoes, apparel, apps, treadmills, Solutions, glasses, heart rate monitors, electronics, rehab and training devices, and much more, all at big savings, then please sign up here:
Watch this Venpop Intro video: Venpop Intro.
Our Sportsbiz concept is simple: with Venpop’s proprietary technology, ST can now offer a Daily Deal to our Sports Techie members.
Our goal is to offer 300 fresh Daily Deals of sports and/or technology, per year. I currently source over 300 unique products in one month so doing it over a year will allow Sports Techie time to find the right kind of sales opportunities.
Group sales still makes absolutely sense as a sound model for businesses such as Sports Techie that dominate a niche and have a targeted customer base. Our Group sales model is a win-win business opportunity for start-ups and established vendors alike who have new sports tech products for sale and need hungry customers. At the same time, our ST end-users who thirst for the latest gadgets and competitive edges, get that in return at significant cost reductions.
Sports Techie began as a sports technology vision. I have probably had it ever since the days of growing up down the street from Microsoft. Since then, I have dedicated my career to the pursuit of sports tech knowledge. After I last worked as the Moderator for the online communities or historical wiki of the N.Y. Giants, Houston Rockets, Big East Basketball, HBO Entourage, and DWTS, the idea of starting an online community based around my passion for sports technology gained massive traction until finally, my dream business was born.
Sports Techie members now use our Social Media hubs on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube and Myspace, to engage with each other, and also to discover the latest Sports Tech content about progressive companies, innovative products, and cutting edge trends. As a result of all this web traffic, our Sports Techie Klout online influencer score is a strong 60 and rising steadily.
In October, you will finally be able to buy these awesome sports tech products through our Sports Techie Daily Deals.
Sports Techie, before we go LIVE, please be sure to sign-up with your e-mail address and join our invite list here:
Thanks in advance for doing that. Thank you as well for sharing this blog link and tweeting it to any potential new Sports Techie recruit.
Finally, any brand or product that wishes to be part of our Sports Techie Daily Deal, and/or wants to find out more about Venpop’s services, please e-mail us at: [email protected].
I will see ya when I see ya, Sports Techie.
Sports Techie Twitter: @sportstechieNET
Sports Techie Facebook Page:
Sports Techie Youtube Channel: