The Louisiana Youth Sports League and Digital Scout have signed a sports business deal that will provide live play-by-play and statistics data for all 66 LYSN Football teams all season long.
Digital Scout and LYSN
Dan Fronczak, Vice President, Digital Scout, told the Sports Techie community blog the following about partnering with LYSN and the process of becoming an annual resource of sports tech for the large number of youth sports markets nationwide.
“Youth sports is something we can all relate to. At some point in our childhood we all participated. Using this technology at this level allows the child to feel like a pro and allows the parent to capture the memories for a lifetime. On the business side there are close to 750 youth football leagues across the country and plenty more on the basketball side. Our hope is that Digital Scout can become an annual resources for all of them. Partnering with a great group like the LYSN is a big step in that direction.”

Parents and fans of the youth players will now be able to follow their athlete’s accomplishments live in LA as the game is in progress.
Parents/Fans will now get to see the following:
- Live play by play of their child’s games
- Complete team and player stats for each game
- Standings and Leaders for each team’s conference
“This is a product for all teams from pee-wee to the pros,” says Dan. “As a parent myself, I have always wanted to keep track of my child’s sports statistics much like I do my favorite college and professional teams. We are excited to make this a reality for all parents, especially those in Louisiana with this new partnership.”
Read more about – Digital Scout HSGameCenter Beta Success with Time Warner Cable, Suddenlink Communications and Cablevision, in this Sports Techie blog:

About Digital Scout: With over 11,000 high schools in the United States, Digital Scout is the leader in high school and amateur sports stats tracking software and mobile apps. Digital Scout also powers HS Game Center, the latest Digital Scout website providing live, play-by-play high school sports schedules, standings, and live box scores.
Anyone interested in obtaining amateur sports data via API, iframe, or a branded HS Game Center platform of their own, should contact:
Digital Scout
(614) 505-7427 / dfronczak@digitalschoolnetwork.com
About Louisiana Youth Sports League:
Email: TheFuture@LouisianaYouthSportsNetwork.com
Toll Free #: 888-774-3668
Office Location:
2635 Choctaw Drive 2nd Floor, Suite 414
Baton Rouge LA 70805
Web site: http://louisianayouthfootball.com/lysn.php
Sports Techie, Digital Scout has a lofty goal to become an annual resource for thousands of youth sports leagues which include football and hoops in addition to many other sport leagues. We thank Dan for the information about their deal with the Louisiana Youth Sports League and his candid at how his company’s business development path is interwoven with youth sports across the United States and globally.
I happen to enjoy soaking in stats that update in real-time, updated leaderboards and video highlights, all available at the DS High School GameCenter.
If you hail from Louisiana or simply want to follow Live stats online for the 66 LA teams in the youth football league because you recruit for a college or are a huge fan, then you just digitally scored thanks to this new sportsbiz agreement between Digital Scout and the LYSN.
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