RealResponse goes global by providing secure and anonymous communications options for the International Testing Agency’s (ITA) REVEAL reporting tool
The International Testing Agency (ITA) is taking RealResponse global after selecting their reporting technology platform to increase their secure channels used to collect suspicious performance enhancing drugs and doping information anonymously through REVEAL, its anti-doping reporting tool. The ITA located in Lausanne, Switzerland, maintains a desired focus to deliver comprehensive anti-doping programs and meet its obligations to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) International Standard for Testing and Investigations, through the implementation of RealResponse’s secure, two-way anonymous platform provided to obtain anti-doping intelligence. The Sports Techie community blog understands this partnership helps ITA achieve its stated mission and hopes the availability of text and WhatsApp messaging at a minimum, will incentivize individuals to report doping related information, especially as it related to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) who continue to falter when it comes to seriously punishing Russian state-sponsored doping going on for nearly a decade at past Olympic Games. The Paris 2024 Olympics are next and hopes are this relationship between RealResponse and the ITA help to proactively solve the doping scandals, as well as fight back the lack of integrity by NGBs, National Teams and athletes, while supporting WADA, and possibly the IOC.
Nicholas Raudenski, ITA, Head of Intelligence & Investigations, said, “The ITA’s core mission is to protect athletes and encourage a safe space for proactive reporting. Providing them with the best options to report any suspicions they could have in a confidential or anonymous manner supports this mission. RealResponse’s platform has the ability to reduce reporting barriers by providing multiple communications channels, including text and WhatsApp. And, the fact that we are able to engage in two-way, anonymous dialogue with a person reporting a doping concern supports efficient investigations and our clean sport mission in general.”

The ITA’s new Proactive Reporting Policy – outlining how potential anti-doping rule violations are reported to and processed by the ITA – reinforces for athletes and athlete support personnel that they have the ability and confidence to come forward because of anonymous and confidential anti-doping reporting methods enabled by RealResponse.
Being a Russian or Chinese doping whistleblower is dangerous and could result in serious harm for the reporting individual making this new agreement and secure platform critical to ensuring the safety and anonymity of the man or woman reporting such suspicious activities.
Through its secure and confidential reporting channels, RealResponse technology will play a crucial role in protecting athletes who disclose doping information and will help ITA achieve the objectives laid out in its new reporting policy.
“With the Paris Summer Olympics on the horizon, and as our first global client, the International Testing Agency recognizes the value of ensuring that all voices are heard when it comes to preventing doping in sport,” said David Chadwick, Founder and CEO of Real Response. “Nothing is more important than protecting the safety of all athletes and the integrity of competition around the world. By rolling out RealResponse to its stakeholders, the ITA is taking a major step to opening up communications channels that did not exist before and at a critical juncture.”
Sports Techie, the past five Olympics has seen a Russian state-sponsored performance enhancing drugs scandal get the equivalent of a virtual hand slap from the IOC. A statement from a former Russian athlete back in 2014 claimed “99 percent” of the country’s Olympians had doped for the Sochi Games. What is equally alarming is the ineptness of IOC decision makers to actually do anything of actual substance regarding punishment for doping by Russia and other doping national teams. Ideally, ITA’s REVEAL, anti-doping reporting tool, will enable WADA to act, and also support the IOC with more credible evidence in which to punish offenders for real.
According to the Washington Post, “The World Anti-Doping Agency accused Russia of running a state-sponsored doping program, describing a system that included shadow laboratories, destroyed urine samples and surveillance of lab workers by Russian intelligence agents. Days later, track and field’s international governing body banned Russia’s team from international athletic competitions, and the sanction still stands.”
The IOC decision to enable individual sporting federations to make their own decisions for the Summer Olympics in Brazil regarding sanctions was highly questionable as a doping deterrent. Another ensuing IOC decision during the Winter Games in China regarding the banning of Russian team yet allowing their athletes to compete as, “Olympic Athletes from Russia,” was met with public contempt because of the IOC’s brazen decision to not go all the way with appropriate punishments.
The Court of Arbitration for Sports in Lausanne waited more than 600 days to hear the case of Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva, accused of using a performance enhancing drug, then the Court postponed the hearing until 2024, a full two-years after the Beijing Winter Olympics ended. The medal ceremony has still not been conducted.
Paris24 is on full doping alert thanks to the ITA and RealResponse partnership to install a more secure and anonymous platform allowing the public and those on the inside, to report any suspicious performance enhancing drugs information.
You’ll be glad you made the call, text, message, or email, and thank you in advance for doing so to help keep the Paris 24 Games clean.
Read about RealResponse’s partner U.S. Integrity and the launch of a collegiate sports betting reporting platform.
See you later sportstechie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!
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