Every Saturday, you sit yourself down in front of your TV just to cheer on the team representing your Alma mater, place of birth or where you currently live. Do you pay no mind to the NFL or the CFL, and much prefer the NCAA Football? If so, then you’re just like the majority of the sport-loving American nation — you’re a keen fan of college football, especially around here in the deep South, home of the SEC and ACC. The Sports Techie community blog has collegiate football fan readers and followers located all over the world.
If you ever get tired of only ever getting your football fix through a screen, why not get closer to the action? There are plenty of ways you can involve yourself more with the game of college football, some of which can be found below.

Go tailgating
Supporting your team in person isn’t just for students, you know. No matter how old you are or how many years it’s been since you last studied, you can enjoy a weekend following your college football team of choice up and down the country. It’s true, no matter who you are, you can indulge in the American tradition that is tailgating.

If you do decide to relive your heyday and give tailgating a go, be sure to check out TailgateMaster for a comprehensive list of everything you’re going to need to make the event memorable. When it comes to the food that you bring with you, the following easy-to-prepare snacks will always be appropriate in this instance:
- Tortilla chips with salsa, guac, and queso
- Potato chips
- Carrot sticks, celery, and hummus
- Cold fried chicken
- Potato salad (check out A Spicy Perspective for a great potato salad recipe)
- Cured meats
- Assorted cookies
Become a coach
What’s stopping you from packing in your day job and becoming a college football team coach? By doing so, you’d be as close to the action as you can get without actually being a player!
As stated on LIVESTRONG.COM, the necessary requirements to become a college football coach are as follows:
- You need to have a bachelor’s degree in a sports or health-related field
- You must have an understanding of college football and its many different rules and regulations
- You must be able to remain calm in stressful situations
- You need to be confident in your abilities to control young players who have massive chips on their shoulders
Have a flutter on the games
If tailgating just isn’t for you anymore and if you haven’t got the dedication or patience to become a coach, then maybe you should simply try having a flutter on college football. By betting on the outcome of the games that you watch, you will have more riding on them and, as a result, you will feel much closer to the action.
When it comes to betting on the results of college football games, there’s no better bookmaker than Unibet. Thanks to the online service that it offers, you need not even get out of your armchair to place your bets. All you need do is head to the American Football section on its website, select NCAAF, and you’re good to go. From there, you will be able to have a flutter on the college football games of your choosing.
If you have a sudden urge to get closer to college football, take the above advice and go ahead and do it!

Sports Techie, it really is amazing how much a stronghold American football has on the heart of sports fans in the United States. The rest of the world prefers soccer while here it is either football or basketball that comes first depending on the season. Come fall, it is all about NFL and college football.
Coaching, tailgating and punting (betting) are just a few of the extra curricular activities that compliment a live NCAAF game.
How do you pick which activity to do?
Use the force.
See ya later sportstechie in Seattle, Atlanta and around the world!
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