18 Blogs with Team Building Exercises for Kids

18 Blogs with Team Building Exercises for Kids - Hoops
18 Blogs with Team Building Exercises for Kids – Hoops

Team building exercises are designed to help bond a group of people together that may not otherwise know much about each other or may not know how to effectively work together. When a group of individuals become a cohesive team they are able to accomplish a lot more than they can as individuals. Team building is often used in corporate America to help companies become more unified, however, these exercises are also an effective tool for teachers and coaches when working with children. Take a look at these 18 blogs to learn how these professionals use team building exercises to help kids succeed.

Back to School

When kids go back to school, they are typically with a new teacher and a new group of students. It can be hard for some kids to make friends, but with the help of various ice breakers and team building exercises, teachers can help the kids get to know each other in a relaxed setting. Find out how teachers use team building activities in the classroom by reading these six blogs.

Team Building with Older Kids

Sometimes older kids stick with the same group of friends and don’t branch out to meet new people. When it comes to working on group projects, it’s helpful for these students to get to know new people so that they feel like a team. If you want to know more about team building with older kids, read these six blogs.

Sport Teams

You might wonder why a sports team needs to do team building exercises when they are already a team on the field. Since skill levels vary, some kids feel like they do more for the team and may not respect the other players. Getting the players off the field and into something that is entirely different can help the kids become friends, and in doing so help them work better together on the field. These six blogs will explain more about team building in sports.

Our community thank you goes out to Sonny Giffin for this sharing this informative blogger list.


Paul Allen and THE Sports Techie after the Our Team Works Stadium Campaign win
Paul Allen and THE Sports Techie after the Our Team Works Stadium Campaign win

Sports Techie, Team building is the essence of our worldwide community. What started with one person who wanted to share their passion for a topic, in this case sports technology, has grown to what I consider to be a diverse global team of all-aged Sports Techie enthusiasts who are helping to make a difference and change this world for the better. These 18 listed blog links focus on terrific kid and team building skills, one kid at a time.

Remember the anxiety and fear that going back to school could cause at any given moment, mixed in with the sheer pleasure and joy of undergoing a new experience, meeting new friends and catching up with old friends, while not knowing how cool, smart or inspiring the new teacher was going to be. The first six blogs help parents and guardians understand what some teachers do via team building exercises in order to help students back with the variety of school issues boys and girls have.

As kids age so do their variety of social dilemmas and internal pressures. The next six blogs tackle how instructors use team building structured for older kids. I suggest that with problem solving, camping and games, you use this opportunity to introduce GPS tech and the sport of geocaching. If you cannot afford this technology, go to the public library with your kid and research how to geocache until you can find a cost effective solution to your GPS technology costs. My nephews and niece came to town to met their newest cousin and loved geocaching with a smartphone.

The last six blogs address the sporting lifestyle most all children require to help lead a balanced life. Getting enough exercise and maintaining a fitness level are only part of what playing on a team will do for kids. Understanding team building in sport is essential for the lifetime success and continued maturity of every youth. Many of my dearest friends today and past jobs happened through playing sports.

Funding for sport is taking a backseat at the Federal, Northwest regional, and local Seattle levels. Because of the rabidly changing economy in the United States and around the world, many kids are forced to play with much older and younger peers which can be intimidating so pay attention to what these bloggers recommend. Helping with team fund raising opportunities is a very good way to help your child and family understand the value of volunteering, finance and team goal setting.

I would add that social media can play an important part with team building. As a volunteer coach or lifetime parent, you must understand the social pressures that having a Facebook, Twitter or YouTube user name can bring, for example, bullying. LinkedIn has come recently come out with a new campaign aimed towards teenagers to add to the competition for a child’s mindshare. By engaging with a social network, boys and girls can learn to work as a team amongst all the different platforms and different pulls in life.

Sharing a teammate’s practice picture, retweeting a team photo or simply saying how good it is to be a fellow teammate on a page, can be an ice breaker and positive reinforcement no matter what the age. Teammates will most likely appreciate the attempt at team building via a social media tag or like and that is how in 2013 new friends can be made and older friends can be paid attention to at the same time.

Team building always starts one child at a time.

I will see ya when I see ya, THE Sports Techie @THESportsTechie – http://twitter.com/THESportsTechie

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2 responses to “18 Blogs with Team Building Exercises for Kids”

  1. John Grant Avatar

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  2. Daniel Avatar

    Great ideas for team building activities. Team building can improve moral in a workforce so much. And the Indoor team building activities ideas are great. Thanks for sharing this lovely post.